Germany's Presidency of the G8 does not end now that the summit is over. Until the end of this year, the German Government, as acting President, will be moderating and actively supporting the processes launched.

G8 and outreach partners: Ongoing co-operation
Today the leading industrialised nations can no longer meet many of the challenges they face on their own. The big emerging economies - China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa - have an increasingly important role to play. Merkel hit the nail on the head: "We can't get along without each other."
At Heiligendamm both groups therefore agreed to co-operate more closely and on a more continuous basis in what has become known as the Heiligendamm Process. Nevertheless, Merkel explained, the G8 will not be expanding to incorporate any other countries.

A good climate for the climate
The previous day the G8 had for the first time agreed on the need to establish common goals for the reduction of greenhouse gases. The German Chancellor was very pleased that the G8 leaders were, over and above that, also in agreement that these joint efforts on climate protection should lead into a UN process.
More countries were thus joining in. In the end, though, legally binding international commitments can only be established within the framework of the United Nations. The developing countries and emerging economies had also made it clear that "they would feel obligated to this process if it was part of the United Nations," the Chancellor said.
"Africa - a continent of the future"

The leading industrialised nations also agreed to provide an additional US$60 billion a year over the coming years to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, especially for prevention programmes and to strengthen health systems in the least developed countries (LDCs). Germany has pledged €4 billion by 2015.
Global trade: Creating opportunities for all
Not least, the meetings of the G8 serve to co-ordinate the leading industrialised countries' common positions in international bodies and organisations.
For example, during the forthcoming Doha Round the G8 want to ensure that trade between industrialised and developing countries is made easier. In a joint declaration (G8 Declaration on Trade), they call on all the member states of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to work constructively and flexibly towards that goal.

Working on things together: The spirit of Heiligendamm
As the first helicopters were taking off from the beach at Heiligendamm to take some of the G8 leaders to the airport, the Chancellor still had various meetings to attend.
Talking to each other, working together - that has been the spirit of the G8 summits since 1975. Back then the issues were the oil crisis and exchange rates; today they are how to shape globalisation so that everyone stands a chance.