Gleneagles Dialogue - Third meeting of the Energy and Environment Ministers



Location: Berlin

Teilnehmer: Gabriel, Sigmar
The energy and environment ministers from the 20 major energy-consuming countries will meet from 9 to 11 September 2007 in Berlin for the third "Gleneagles Dialogue".
The G8 Summit in Gleneagles 2005 initiated the dialogue on "climate change, clean energy and sustainable development". The talks focus on the strategic challenge of achieving the transformation of our energy systems which climate change makes necessary. The Dialogue aims to support progress in the UN climate negotiations.
Taking part in the Gleneagles Dialogue are the energy and environment ministers from the G8 states including the EU Commission, along with China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Poland, Spain and South Korea. The Multilateral Development Banks, the International Energy Agency and the UN Climate Change Secretariat are also invited.
The Gleneagles Dialogue was launched in London in November 2005. The second ministerial meeting took place from 2-4 October 2006 in Monterrey/Mexico. In September 2007 the agenda will include the dissemination of climate-friendly technologies, investments in climate protection and the political framework conditions they require. Following the meeting in Berlin, another conference will be held in Japan in spring 2008. The results of the Gleneagles Dialogue will be reported at the 2008 G8 Summit under the Japanese presidency.
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